Sign the Safety Pledge!

By AACTconnect on May 2, 2017

We’re asking teachers of chemistry to commit to at least one hour of safety cleanup at the end of the school year. For pledging hours and coming back to record your hours, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a grand prize of $200 gift card to Flinn Scientific! Sign up by June 2.

Cleanup ideas

  1. Check expiration dates on chemicals.
  2. Dispose of expired chemicals or those that you no longer use.
  3. Check labels and add new labels to containers that need them.
  4. Organize glassware drawers/cabinets.
  5. Dispose of chipped or cracked glassware.
  6. Organize drawers and cabinets in laboratory or chemical room.
  7. Organize Safety Data Sheets (SDS).
  8. Make sure that you have a Safety Data Sheet for every chemical in your lab.
  9. Create of list of chemicals and equipment to be ordered for next year.
  10. Check your storage plan using a reputable compatibility table.
  11. Schedule a hazmat pick-up for appropriate chemical waste.
  12. Ensure your eye wash station and chemical showers are working properly.
  13. Inspect and test your fire extinguisher, check expiration date.

Safety resources