Submit an Article

Chemistry Solutions is an easy-to-use and easy-to-implement online resource for and by K–12 teachers of chemistry. The American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT) encourages you to share creative, novel ideas with the community by submitting to Chemistry Solutions. Learn more about Chemistry Solutions »

What to submit

AACT members are encouraged to share what has worked (and what hasn’t worked) for them in the chemistry classroom.

  • Do you have an activity or a teaching method that you implement well? Write about it.
  • Is there a lesson that your students respond to year after year? Tell other teachers of chemistry about it.
  • Do you have a favorite teaching tip that others can learn from? Share it with the community.

There is no limit to the creative methods that teachers of chemistry implement, and other teachers of chemistry should know about them. Review our article types to help you get started.

Learn about the submission process and article guidelines.

Article guidelines

I've reviewed my article and checked that it meets the guidelines. I'm ready to submit.

Submit an article