Contribute to AACT

Start a discussion

Visit the Discussions forum on the AACT website to exchange ideas, ask questions, or provide feedback to other AACT members. (You must be logged into the website in order to participate in discussions.)

Share teaching resources with the community

We are proud to feature teacher-submitted lessons and activities in the classroom resource library. If you would like to share something you use in your classroom with the community, please send it along for consideration. AACT also provides the opportunity for teachers to participate in a content writing team—a group of K–12 teachers who produce a set of resources around a central topic or theme. Announcements are made in the e-newsletter about upcoming content writing team opportunities.

Host a webinar in your area of expertise

Maybe you're better at speaking than writing? Consider presenting a webinar in your area of expertise as part of our professional development offerings. Check out upcoming and archived webinars.

Write an article for our periodical, Chemistry Solutions

The periodical, Chemistry Solutions, is an easy-to-use and easy-to-implement online resource published four times a year, for and by K–12 teachers of chemistry. Each issue of Chemistry Solutions will highlight hands-on, innovative, inquiry-based, and relevant activities alongside feature articles about best practices in the chemistry classroom, teacher-authored lessons, tips from teachers, simulations, and much more.

There is no limit to the creative methods that teachers of chemistry implement, and other teachers of chemistry should know about them!

Submit an article

Become a peer reviewer

To become a peer reviewer for Chemistry Solutions, you must go through the process of publishing an article first. Submit an article to Chemistry Solutions, and then contact us if you'd like to be part of the peer review process for other articles or issues.

Are there other ways you'd like to contribute? Great! Please contact us.