Chemistry Solutions
Test Issue for Overlines & Advice Column
Featured Article
Resource Feature
Part 2: Teaching Earth Chemistry
In this second in a series of articles, the author focuses on using a phenomenon-based approach to investigate how density effects the chemical compositions of the two types of crust on the surface of the earth. He also demonstrates how the entire earth is arranged by density from the core to the top of the atmosphere — expanding the potential applications of density concepts beyond the lab.
Classroom Commentary
Reflections and perspectives by teachers about topics that affect chemistry education.
The Definitive Guide from AACT

The author is frequently asked questions about IB and AP chemistry, including, What's the difference? Isn't one chemistry course pretty much like any other? Based on his experiences, he provides a brief overview of the AP and IB Chemistry programs, and outlines some similarities and differences between the curriculums, laboratory experiences, and end-of-course exams.

In this article, the author discusses how developing a strong classroom community can help students persevere in the face of challenging chemistry content. The author shares how she has developed a system for fostering individual student growth while developing strong classroom culture over time.
Nuts & Bolts
Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.
Tech Tips
How to incorporate technology into your chemistry classroom.

In this article, the author discusses the use of video media to enhance teaching and learning through the use of the Edpuzzle platform. He shares his thoughts about the many ways that using video media can increase student accountability and engagement, while providing more data about student achievement throughout the lesson. Edpuzzle can be a helpful tool to formatively assess student understanding, identify misconceptions, and drive instruction.
In My Element
Stories about teachers finding their way to the chemistry classroom.
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The author shares about her recent career transition to becoming a chemistry teacher, and reflects on the challenges and successes she experienced during her first year in the classroom.
Reprint Spotlight
A previously published article from Chemistry Solutions that is particularly relevant to readers.
Resource Feature
My Favorite Demonstrations for Teaching Chemical ReactionsOne Teacher's Look at Best Practices

In this article, the author describes a series of seven demonstrations she uses to help students understand how to identify that a chemical reaction has occurred. Additionally, students use their observations to write word equations and formula equations.
Configurable Closing Section
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Advice Column
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id augue ut nisi volutpat fringilla ac vel ante. Nulla luctus leo ac interdum lacinia. Nunc eget arcu at leo vehicula molestie sed eget justo. Pellentesque consectetur felis eu massa rhoncus tincidunt. Mauris quis felis sed neque sagittis pellentesque. Integer et ex vitae tellus auctor porttitor. Nulla aliquam enim vel sodales tincidunt. Maecenas viverra nulla ac velit placerat bibendum. Morbi ullamcorper ex et orci tempor pretium. Fusce posuere convallis ligula, a maximus erat eleifend sit amet. Morbi dictum nec ipsum id ullamcorper. Morbi ac justo convallis, dapibus erat a, fermentum nisl. Maecenas pharetra vulputate ipsum a scelerisque.

AACT President Heather Weck shares her enthusiasm for a fresh start this new school year! She shares exciting updates and new content from AACT, and points teachers to some valuable teaching resources to consider as they begin a new year with students.

In this animation, students will visualize how volume, temperature, and quality of a gas are related. This is done qualitatively and quantitatively. **This video has no audio**
Chemistry Fun

In celebration of National Chemistry Week 2019, ACS has created a ChemCatcher for students to enjoy.