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  • Classroom Commentary | May 2020 Access is an AACT member benefit. Hands-On Science for K-8 Students

    Created by Isabelle G. Haithcox

    This article describes outreach efforts to bring hands-on science experiments to K-8 classes. The author shares her experience involving college students in these efforts, and provides examples of some experiments that were memorable with young students.

  • Classroom Commentary | November 2018 Access is an AACT member benefit. Successful Collaboration, Fostered by the American Chemical Society

    Created by Steven Kosmas

    This article describes the exciting collaboration between university and high school students and faculty that developed over a decade. The two main components that contribute to this successful partnership are the ChemClub and Science Coaches programs, sponsored by ACS/AACT.

  • Classroom Commentary | March 2018 The Science Coaches Program in Action

    Created by Jennifer Dower with Bill Dower

    This article describes the very successful Science Coaches partnership between a third-grade teacher and a Ph.D. chemist, who is also her father. The authors offer insight and tips for making the best use of a Science Coach partnership, or any science visitor to your classroom.

  • Resource Feature | May 2017 Access is an AACT member benefit. 5th Grade Chemistry — as Taught by High School Students

    Created by Barbara Sitzman

    This end-of-the-year project for high school chemistry students involves learning and using inquiry strategies to teach chemical concepts to fifth-grade students through hands-on activities. The author outlines the project, including conversations with elementary teachers, planning logistics, field trip details, and student preparation. Read about the many rewards of a well-planned and executed project that binds the grade levels through chemistry.

  • Classroom Commentary | March 2017 Access is an AACT member benefit. Seeing STARS in Chemistry

    Created by Sonja Calderara

    Read about a science instructional coach from a rural school district who made a valuable connection with two professors from the chemistry department at North Carolina State University. Together they developed a program that extended the world of chemistry to rural middle schools. Through sustained relationships, these professors continue to share their love of chemistry, in some cases for years.

  • Resource Feature | May 2016 Access is an AACT member benefit. Getting Young Students Excited about Science

    Created by Rebecca Field

    Have you considered teaching chemistry to your elemenatry students? This fifth grade teacher shows how easy it is to introduce chemistry into the elementary school classroom. She reviews several You Be The Chemist® activities, and explains why her students love them.

  • Nuts & Bolts | March 2016 Access is an AACT member benefit. Guest Speakers Bring Science to Life in an Elementary Classroom

    Created by Dave Mick

    This fifth grade teacher in Michigan works with practicing scientists to reinforce science skills, concepts, and vocabulary with his students.

  • Tech Tips | September 2015 Access is an AACT member benefit. Connecting Chemistry Students with Practicing Professionals

    Created by Patricia Deibert

    Learn how to leverage a virtual platform to connect your students to practicing professionals.

  • Classroom Commentary | November 2014 Access is an AACT member benefit. Access to Opportunity: Limitations to Equity in Science Education

    Created by Lisa Blank

    Access to quality science education varies greatly for students across the nation, creating gaps that restrict options for many students in postsecondary education and careers. Commitment to quality science education, supported by creative, collaborative efforts with community partners, is essential to narrow these access gaps for the good of our students and our nation.