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  • Advice Column | Test Issue for Overlines & Advice Column Access is an AACT member benefit. Advice Column Test Article

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id augue ut nisi volutpat fringilla ac vel ante. Nulla luctus leo ac interdum lacinia. Nunc eget arcu at leo vehicula molestie sed eget justo. Pellentesque consectetur felis eu massa rhoncus tincidunt. Mauris quis felis sed neque sagittis pellentesque. Integer et ex vitae tellus auctor porttitor. Nulla aliquam enim vel sodales tincidunt. Maecenas viverra nulla ac velit placerat bibendum. Morbi ullamcorper ex et orci tempor pretium. Fusce posuere convallis ligula, a maximus erat eleifend sit amet. Morbi dictum nec ipsum id ullamcorper. Morbi ac justo convallis, dapibus erat a, fermentum nisl. Maecenas pharetra vulputate ipsum a scelerisque.

  • Tech Tips | Test Issue for Overlines & Advice Column Access is an AACT member benefit. Edpuzzle: A Video Formative Assessment Tool

    In this article, the author discusses the use of video media to enhance teaching and learning through the use of the Edpuzzle platform. He shares his thoughts about the many ways that using video media can increase student accountability and engagement, while providing more data about student achievement throughout the lesson. Edpuzzle can be a helpful tool to formatively assess student understanding, identify misconceptions, and drive instruction.

  • Nuts & Bolts | September 2018 Access is an AACT member benefit. Designing Effective Multiple-Choice Items in Chemistry

    Multiple-choice questions are frequently used in both formal and informal assessments in order to determine if students have mastered specific learning objectives. This article discusses the characteristics of multiple-choice items as well as some guidelines for writing them. It is possible to design multiple-choice items that emphasize conceptual understanding and critical thinking skills. The creation of high-quality assessments can provide useful information about student learning and help teachers make important decisions about instruction.

  • Nuts & Bolts | September 2018 Access is an AACT member benefit. Instant Feedback on Quizzes

    In this article, a high school teacher describes his successful implementation of a system for providing students with instant feedback on their chemistry quizzes. This idea can be easily implemented in your classroom too!

  • Classroom Commentary | September 2018 Reflections of an AP Chemistry Exam Reader

    This article describes a chemistry teacher’s experience as a Reader for the AP chemistry exam. She shares some reflections, pointers, and insights to help guide other AP Chemistry teachers in hopes of helping them prepare their students to achieve mastery on the exam.

  • Tech Tips | May 2018 Access is an AACT member benefit. Use Moodle to Score Lab Calculations Instantly

    One of the greatest time demands for chemistry teachers is the assessment of lab work. With a little bit of preparation, you can program Moodle (a widely available and free learning management system used by many schools) to correct students’ lab calculations and provide immediate feedback. The author walks through an example using a simple stoichiometry exercise used with his 11th grade general chemistry students.

  • Nuts & Bolts | May 2017 Access is an AACT member benefit. Using Formative Assessment to Guide Instruction

    Formative assessment is a valuable tool for determining a student's misconceptions and level of science understanding, in order to guide class instruction. While it can seem intimidating, formative assessment can take a variety of forms to incorporate movement and collaboration in the classroom.

  • Tech Tips | March 2017 Access is an AACT member benefit. Using Google Forms for Remediation

    This article, written in lab report format, discusses the use of Google Forms for online quizzes in the chemistry classroom. The author summarizes her experiences and methodology for using these quizzes in her classroom, and includes a link to a step-by-step video guide for creating quizzes as well as tips for implementing them in your classroom.

  • Nuts & Bolts | March 2015 Access is an AACT member benefit. Getting to Know What Students Know

    How do you gauge whether students are learning what you intend for them to learn? This article, the third installment in a series of articles, offers ideas from an experienced teacher.

  • Nuts & Bolts | September 2014 Access is an AACT member benefit. Standards Based Grading in the Middle School Chemistry Classroom

    The purpose of grading is to give feedback about learning, but the traditional point-based system fails to do so. Standards-based grading is an alternative grading system that focuses on student understanding rather than a letter grade.

  • Nuts & Bolts | September 2014 Access is an AACT member benefit. Formative Assessment—A Powerful, Quick Tool in the Classroom

    Formative assessment methods can be a quick, topic-specific tool that teachers can use to discover students readiness for a topic. Formative assessment up-front can make a unit run smoother. These assessments do not have to be difficult to implement, and you will be glad you did it in the long run.