November 2018

Featured Article

Resource Feature

Taking Inspiration from the AP Chemistry Reading

In this article, the author describes how her experience at the AP Chemistry Reading inspires lesson ideas to help address common misconceptions. In her engaging classroom activity, students model equilibrium reactions using chips to represent atoms in an effort to connect the symbolic model of an equilibrium reaction to its particle model.

Classroom Commentary

Reflections and perspectives by teachers about topics that affect chemistry education.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Successful Collaboration, Fostered by the American Chemical Society

This article describes the exciting collaboration between university and high school students and faculty that developed over a decade. The two main components that contribute to this successful partnership are the ChemClub and Science Coaches programs, sponsored by ACS/AACT.

Access is an AACT member benefit. Working Together toward Vertical Alignment

The author shares his experience organizing a science workshop that connects high school science teachers with elementary school teachers in their same system. During the workshop, high school teachers present labs and activities to help elementary science teachers best prepare their own students. The experience lets teachers collaborate and discuss vertical alignment of their teaching, and be better prepared to work together to provide students with the most effective science education.

Nuts & Bolts

Functional tips you can implement in your classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. A Groovy NGSS Phenomenon for Chemistry Concepts

In this article, the authors demonstrate how an existing middle school chemistry curriculum can be easily modified toward an NGSS storyline. The article highlights lesson shift toward the “groovy phenomenon” of a lava lamp to engage students in chemistry concepts such as density, heat transfer, particle motion, and phases of matter. NGSS practices in modeling for understanding and arguing from evidence are highlighted.

In My Element

Stories about teachers finding their way to the chemistry classroom.

Access is an AACT member benefit. The Grass Really Is Greener

The author describes how he transitioned from drowning as a teacher in the United States, to cruising as an international school teacher.

Teacher 2 Teacher

@AACTconnect asked:

We would love to know if you have a favorite program, app or even a hack for creating digital particle diagrams!
12:00 PM - Oct 26, 2018

You Answered:

I just use the drawing tools in PowerPoint.

I use Google drawings. Easy to use, easy to embed in reports!
Rose McGuire

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Pursuing Growth

The November editorial is guest-authored by the AACT Governing Board DivCHED representative, Amiee Modic. Amiee highlights professional growth opportunities and educates members about the Division of Chemical Education’s technical division, which is available through an ACS membership.


Access is an AACT member benefit. Frontiers of Chemistry

This video explores new scientific developments that were made possible by the application of fundamental chemistry concepts. Students will learn about exciting advances in science and technology focused on three main topics: Solar Cells, 3D Printing and Micro Machines.

Chemistry Fun

Access is an AACT member benefit. Elemental Mix-Up

In this activity, students will test their knowledge of the periodic table as they attempt to unscramble element names and use select letters to solve a mystery message.